From Nuclear Weapons to Killer Robots: A Conversation on Science and Responsibility


On Thursday, March 19th the University of Toronto’s Hart House will host From Nuclear Weapons to Killer Robots: A Conversation on Science and Responsibility. Dr. Jason Millar (CRAiEDL Director) will be joining Dr. John Polanyi for a conversation about ethical responsibility in designing AI and autonomous technology. This is the final in a series of events celebrating Hart House’s 100th Anniversary.

Scientific and technological innovation is often seen as a purely positive feat. However, Dr. Millar and Dr. Polanyi will discuss the risks that often accompany innovation and responsible ways to manage and understand those risks. Since this technology will certainly become central to communities – both large and small – we must also begin to consider how everyone canbecome a part of the decisions that are propelling our world.

Join Dr. Millar and Dr. Polanyi for a discussion about the future of technology and responsible innovation.

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