Calibrating Stretched Transparency

Art offers a unique lens through which to critically examine the technology we build, and (re)evaluate its meaning and function in the world. Calibrating Stretched Transparency project is the first in a series.

This is the complete variety of map projections generated for this project, this many perspectives on the same information. 


Calibrating Stretched Transparency was generously supported through the Scotiabank Fund for AI and Society at the University of Ottawa AI + Society Initiative, the Faculties of Engineering and Arts (uOttawa), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

CRAiEDL STEAM Collective

Sarah Jasmine Hodgson

Sarah Jasmine Hodgson

Artist; Scotiabank Fellow
Willem Deisinger

Willem Deisinger

Artist; Scotiabank Fellow
Chantal Rodier L

Chantal Rodier

STEAM Projects Coordinator & Artist in Residence (Faculty of Engineering)

Dr. Jason Millar

CRAiEDL Director, Canada Research Chair in the Ethical Engineering of Robotics and AI
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