The AI + Society Initiative at the University of Ottawa is proud to announce the launch of the Global Pandemic App Watch, a site tracking uptake of COVID-19 contact-tracing and exposure-notification apps around the world.
Contact-tracing and exposure-notification apps are a new technology rapidly developed and launched in response to the COVID-19 global health crisis. The development of such applications is placing governments, corporations, and citizens around the world into an ongoing ethical design experiment resulting in potentially life-saving outcomes but also potential risks. During the summer of 2020, design teams and technology corporations presented governments with a variety of technological solutions in the form of such apps. Government leaders and ordinary citizens hdesign teams and technology corporations presented governments with a variety of technological solutions in the form of such apps. Government leaders and ordinary citizens have needed to make decisions about which options to endorse and how to govern their use.
Global Pandemic App Watch (GPAW)