SPIDER: Interplay Assessment Method for Privacy and Other Values


In the design of many sociotechnical systems, ensuring people’s privacy is crucial. Available strategies, patterns, and technologies for ensuring privacy are often associated with drawbacks with respect to other values, such as security, fairness, or safety. Thus, system design entails navigating such value interactions, aiming to find solutions that reconcile privacy and other values. However, no systematic methodology is available for assessing the interplay between privacy and other values in a design. To solve this problem, we propose SPIDER, a methodology for the systematic assessment of the interplay between privacy and other values. With SPIDER, system designers can investigate, quantify, and visualize the type (positive/neutral/negative) and strength of the interplay between privacy and other values, from different stakeholders’ point of view. This helps identify areas where further improvement of the design is needed to resolve tensions between privacy and other values.We demonstrate the application of SPIDER in the domain of Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility (CCAM) on a use case of an automated delivery vehicle.

Z. Á. Mann, J. Petit, S. M. Thornton, M. Buchholz and J. Millar, "SPIDER: Interplay Assessment Method for Privacy and Other Values," 2024 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), Vienna, Austria, 2024, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/EuroSPW61312.2024.00007. keywords: {Privacy;Visualization;Sociotechnical systems;Systematics;Navigation;Safety;Stakeholders},