Chantal Rodier is the Artist-in-Residence and STEAM (STEM+Art) Project Coordinator at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Ottawa in Canada. She helps integrate art, artists, and artistic practices in multidisciplinary teams for innovative STEAM collaborations. Chantal’s research focuses on developing conceptual and methodological frameworks to empower teams to achieve transdisciplinary knowledge for responsible, meaningful solutions to complex problems.
As a member-researcher at CRAiEDL STEAM Collective, she engages art to critically examine AI and Robotics in terms of social impacts and responsible development.
As an adjunct professor, she teaches STEAM design, visual literacy, creativity, and innovation. She brings students from Arts and STEM disciplines together in STEAM project-based learning environments. Serving as keynote speaker at international conferences and Adjunct Curator at Ingenium Canada, Chantal informs and educates the public on the importance of STEAM and multidisciplinarity. Her expertise and leadership have resulted in many successful collaborations and innovative solutions.