Vanisha Bagga is an honours undergraduate student in Computer Science with a minor in Advanced French as a Second Language at the University of Ottawa in Canada. With a passion for blending technical programming and artistic creativity, she enjoys projects that allow her to combine both skills. Additionally, she is passionate about advocating for women's representation and voices in the field of Computer Science. Currently, she is working on an honours project with CRAiEDL to create an interactive simulation featuring an autonomous robot that demonstrates the ethical concerns surrounding autonomous weapons.
Vanisha recently completed internships at Ubisoft Montreal as a Tools Programmer. She was responsible for developing the front end and back end of internal tools tailored to the needs of game developers. In addition to her gaming industry experience, Vanisha has interned in the government sector, working for Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Canada Revenue Agency where she helped develop web applications with cloud technologies and conducted integration testing for newly developed software tools.