Global Pandemic App Watch (GPAW)


Aarogya Setu

History and Context of Aarogya Setu

India’s Aarogya Setu quickly became the worlds most downloaded app reaching 116 Million downloads in June after its April 2nd release date. Despite this large number of downloads, this only represented a 9% uptake nationwide. 98% of Aarogya Setu users are on Androids. This allows for a centralized architecture because Androids are compatible with a centralized structure, whereas iPhones are not. The app includes self-assessment tools and risk scores that are communicated to the user. As of June 9th, the app had identified 500,000 Bluetooth contacts. Bluetooth contacts and those who are classified as “needing assistance” from their self-assessment are contacted by the health authority. The India National Health Authority had reached out to 900,000 people based on these factors – 24% of those contacted have tested COVID-positive. The overall COVID-19 testing efficiency was 4.65% on May 26th. The government is using the centralized data to map the virus and take an epidemiological approach to its mitigation. Using syndromic mapping, they have predicted thousands of hotspots, many of which have proven to be real hotspots weeks later. The exact number of correct hotspot predictions is unclear.

App-Specific Legislation

There is no known app-specific legislation at this time.

Stats and Facts



Uptake (% of population):



No Data


GPS + Bluetooth


Decentralized – Centralized via consent



Alerts or Notifications Sent:

No Data

Implementation and Testing:


Articles Relating to Aarogya Setu...


The information available has been gathered from news reports,  publicly available documents, and scholarly literature. Its accuracy is therefore subject to change. The information contained on this page is not globally comprehensive as the research team is constrained by language and geographical barriers.  Please use this information responsibly and contact us with any questions.

COVID-19 Update in India

Total Cases: 10267283
New Cases: 21957 per Day
Total Deaths: 148774
New Deaths: 299 per Day
Last Updated: December 31, 2020